Vibha Galhotra , Sediments 3 , 2012
Vibha Galhotra , Sediments 4 , 2012
Vibha Galhotra , Sediments 5 , 2012
Vibha Galhotra , From the series of Sediments & other untitled , 2012
Vibha Galhotra , Consumed Contamination , 2012
Vibha Galhotra , Concrete Burden , 2012
Vibha Galhotra , River , 2012
Vibha Galhotra , Flow , 2012
Vibha Galhotra , Process , 2012
Vibha Galhotra , Sediments 1 , 2012
Vibha Galhotra , Sediments 2 , 2012
Sediments and Other Untitled
In Collabration with Jack Shainman Gallery
February 2, 2013 - March 3, 2013