a visual representation of a material form, is a diagnostic outcome for further investigation,
a point of simultaneous arrivals and departures. The photograph and the moving
image extend into narratives of fiction, storytelling, weaving, embroidery and
adopt derivative forms in various mediums through the works of the artists in
this exhibition.
form and formlessness of the image, the truth of a photograph and the residual
void of spaces linger as arrival points for an audience to then depart from the
work with layers of their memories and readings. While thinking in images, one
arrives at a language outside of the images as a way of interpretation,
description, disintegration and creation. Through this process, the image
morphs into further interpretations, similar to the transitions that takes
place with new readings of archives, family albums, news and research. The
image becomes fluid in form and it is then that one arrives at imaging to
create way for an imagination of departures. The conception of the image
becomes circular but its form morphs with time, its meanings evolve with
interpretation and new narratives keep the process of image making alive
through materiality and memory.